Home Watson-Crick Centre for Molecular Medicine
About Us

The Watson-Crick Centre for Molecular Medicine at the Islamic University of Science and Technology was established in 2020. The Centre is housed in a newly constructed Syed Mantaqi Memorial College of Nursing and Medical Technology building with a well-equipped Molecular Biology Research laboratory, Cell culture, and dark rooms. The Centre has started academic programs to train young clinical and non-clinical scientists keen to pursue careers in basic and medical research. The Centre is currently offering a Ph.D. program, and shortly, it will offer an integrated M.Sc. - Ph.D. program in Molecular Medicine. One of the unique strengths of this Ph.D. program is its emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach whereby biomedical sciences and molecular and biochemical aspects of biology are addressed. The first batch of Ph.D. scholars was recruited in 2021.

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    Dr. Muzafar Ahmad Macha

    I/C Head


Welcome to the Watson-Crick Centre for Molecular Medicine at the Islamic University of Science and Technology! We are a group of internationally recognized research scientists, Ph.D. scholars, and dedicated professional staff to advance our scientifi

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