Home Department of Environment Sustainability and Climate Change.
About Us

Welcome to the Department of Environment Sustainability and Climate Change. Our mission is to promote sustainable practices and policies that protect our natural resources. Understand the climate change process and mitigate the impacts of climate change. We are committed in recognizing the processes that cause climate change and committed in advancing environmental conservation, fostering innovative solutions for sustainability, and engaging with communities to build a resilient future. Our team of dedicated professionals works on diverse initiatives ranging from water resource engineering to biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation strategies. Through collaboration, education, and research, we strive to create a harmonious balance between human activities and the natural world, ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for generations to come.

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    Dr. Sumira Nazir Zaz



This department is unique in applying science to benefit society by exploring both local and global dimensions of climate change. Our prime location near mountains, glaciers, and rivers provides a perfect setting to study the effects of changing clim

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